Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If YOU could...?

Sometimes I wonder if one of the smallest things that have happened to me could be changed if it would completely alter the path that I've taken this far. I don't mean something traumatic like parents divorcing or deciding to go away from home for school but something as simple as a broken friendship or a job in high school or just a book that has changed my life now but could have spoke in volumes just a few years before. I always think about things like that. I've been finding myself lately creating different situations or outcomes and I just find it hard to believe that anything would change. What if I had stayed with that one girl from high school for just a little bit longer. Would I be married right now with children and a job on the opposite end of the spectrum of my work now? Ok...I understand thats can't really be considered as something small or minute. But I guess the point I'm trying to get at is not where we would be if these "small" things had or hadn't happened but that maybe even the small things that occur can be considered detrimental in the outcome of our lives. I mean what if I would have picked up a basketball instead of a guitar ( I know there are some people reading this that just started laughing). But in all seriousness...what situations should be filed away as life-shaping and which should just be shrugged off? It also brings up the age old question of "If you could go back, what would you change?" But if those things that I wish I can change will change the outcome of my life now...I would be the first to admit that I would leave everything the way it is. Sure there are the relationships that broke me and the relationships that I broke the other involved, words that were said that hurt me and words that I said that may have damaged someone else all of the woulda shoulda couldas. I'm just slowly starting to become less of an advocate for the invention of a time machine the older I get.

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