Sunday, June 8, 2008

At the moment...

I've run into sort of a rough spot when it comes to my music lately. I can't seem to write much and when I do it all seems so redundant that I get sick of writing it so fast. I don't know if maybe ive finally hit the proverbial ceiling in my songwriting ability or if I just don't have enough going on around me to write about. I just feel like i've come to this point where each song could go somewhere but I've lost sight of where to take I put the keys in the ignition, start the car, put it in drive but have no idea where its going to. Unfortunately unlike somethings in life, you kinda have to know where your going with your writing. There is some music out there that you just wince at and have a hard time believing that these people were actually given a record deal and its those people that get the most airplay and radio promotion. But thats another day another dollar. I don't feel like i've written that one song to sum up my entire ability as a songwriter/musician and though I have a good amount of years left and I am nowhere near being a professional...I feel like it should have already come. I will keep climbing up the mountain...but ive gotta get some water soon before I crash.

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