Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane....

Sitting in an airport has always had two sides to me. There has always been an excitment when heading somewhere and the depression when heading back. I can honestly say that has always been the case.

Today my mom and I spent the day together before I wound up here sitting at the airport and it just keeps getting harder leaving rather than being comforted by the fact that ill see her again soon. I saw everyone I care about and love and it is always hard knowing your walking away from a place you are unconditionally loved.

Theres a safety there and right now im having that feeling that I am not as safe as I once was. My comfort zone has been broken again and it only took a short while to rebuild. As I sit here typing this I have people all around me watching my against the tears and probably hoping ill break soon so they can be entertained by me falling into a proverbial hole.

Its not all its cut out to be...growing up...moving out...and moving on...

1 comment:

Redsmoke99 said...

Don't know when I'll be back again! Kiss me and SMILE for me! You're my sunshine, my only sunshine! No, honey growing up isn't what it is all cracked up to be. thing for sure, the love never stops. You get your wings and fly, but I know that God has you in the palm of His hands. I will see you soon!